Employee Goalsheet

The Employee Goalsheet help page provides a brief description about Empxtrack Goal Setting & Tracking Module and its functionalities.

Empxtrack Goal Setting and Tracking software allows managers and employees to set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Reviewable and Trackable (SMART) goals. These goals are divided into various Tasks and Measures to make them specific and easily achievable for employees. Goals based on Balanced Score Card (BSC) initiatives can be uploaded in the goalsheets of employees and can help in alignment of employees’ performance to organization objectives.

Each goal is assigned a weight that helps in prioritizing them. In this way, employees can easily differentiate between critical and non-critical goals. The clarity in goals and job descriptions allow managers and employees to have clear understanding of job expectations and maintain a common understanding on the achievement of goals. As a result, employees can focus on important jobs, take quick decisions and improve performance.

Empxtrack Goal Setting and Tracking simplifies cascading of goals that gives flexibility in top-to-down goal allocation. Employee goal progress and productivity can be measured in real-time. By effectively managing employee goals, organizations can improve employee efficiency up to 100%, boost engagement and empower the workforce. With Empxtrack, managers can set clear performance expectations and build trust among employees leading to better employee experience.

How cascading of goals and tracking goal achievements works in Empxtrack

Goal Setting and Tracking module is highly customizable and can map to your company’s requirements. With Empxtrack, you can: