View Salary Structure

Empxtrack supports multiple salary structures for different grades of employees. They can view salary structure and its effective date.

To view your salary structure, you need to:

  1. Log into the system as an Employee.
  2. On the Dashboards homepage, go to Role and features menu and click Salary records.View Salary Structure

    Figure 1

  3. A new page appears where employee can view payslips, salary details and payment mode for disbursed salaries.
    View Salary Structure

    Figure 2

  4. Click View salary structure details as shown in Figure 2. The page appears that displays the salary structure including the structure name, its effective date, and head wise break up of your salary. In specific cases, when your organization allows salary head buckets, you may be able to edit specific salary heads and submit these for changes to your salary structure.View Salary Structure

     Figure 3

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