Add or Edit Confidential IDs

Employee profile data contains a section called documents and Ids. A number of predefined ids such as bank account, PAN no, PF No, UAN No, etc. are available and you can specify details against these for each employee. This data should be setup prior to running the payroll since these IDs are used in statutory reports and bank reports.

Note: The steps mentioned below are of Empxtrack Enterprise product.

To add or edit the Confidential IDs information, you need to:

1. Log into the system as Employee/Manager/HR Manager. First follow the path given on the Edit employee details page to login to the system as a specific user role and open the employee profile page.

Note: Icon based menu is available only in Empxtrack Enterprise product.

Add a Confidential Id

2.  Click on the Documents and IDs tab under Profile Shortcuts. Click Add Confidential Id link to add a new confidential Id (such as PAN, UAN, Government ID, etc.) as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

2. Select the type of confidential ID from the Type dropdown. Provide the description in the Description field.

Figure 2

3. Provide the ID of the document selected in the Government ID field.

4. Upload the confidential id document, if required in Add a document here if required field by clicking Browse and then selecting the document from your computer (see Figure 3).

Figure 3

5.  Click Save to save the confidential ID details.

Edit Details of a Confidential Id

1. If you want to edit the details of the existing ID. Click on the required confidential ID. The details are displayed below and then click Edit icon shown in front of that confidential id (see Figure 4).

Figure 4

2. Modify the information on the page that appears and click Save.

3. You can also upload a new document to support modification in employee ID. Browse the relevant document in the field Add a document here if required.

Figure 5

The edited details are sent for approval (in case, the changes are made by an employee or a manager – it depends on the approval process). Record is successfully updated, if an HR manager makes the changes.

Click on these suggested links for more information: