

The Employee_Travel object allows you to get all travel records or the Travel records within a time period for an employee. In addition it allows you to get the details of all the travel records.

Employee_Expense Attributes

Attribute NameTypeDescription
travelRequestIdIntegerThe travel request id for employee’s travel request
createdByIntegerThe name of the employee who created the travel request
empIdIntegerThe Employee ID of the employee.
periodIdIntegerThe period for which the expense is claimed
travelRequestCodeStringThe request code for the travel request
travelPurposeStringThe purpose of travel
typeOfTripStringThe type of travel trip
requestDateStringThe date on which travel request was created
journeyStartDateStringThe start date of the journey
journeyEndDateStringThe end date of the journey
startPointNameStringThe start point of the journey
endPointNameStringThe end point of the journey
departureTimeStringThe departure time of the employee
approvalCodeStringThe approval code of the travel request
commentStringThe comment on the travel
modeOfTravelValueStringThe mode of travel
currentStatusStringThe current status of the travel
advanceAmountDetailsStringThe details of the advance given for travel
advanceVoucherCodeStringThe travel voucher code
voucherDetailsStringThe travel voucher detail
totalAdvanceAgainstTravelDoubleThe total advance given for travel
totalCostDoubleThe total cost of travel
advanceAmountDoubleThe advance given for the travel


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