

The Employee_Expense object allows you to get all expense records or expense records within a time period for an employee. In addition it allows you to get the details of all the expense records.

Employee_Expense Attributes

Attribute NameTypeDescription
sheetIdIntegerThe expense sheet id for the expenses by the employee
sheetTitleStringThe tile of the expense sheet
empIdIntegerThe Employee ID of the employee.
mgrIdIntegerThe manager id of the manager of the employee
requestCodeStringThe request code for the expense request
approvalCodeStringThe approval code of the expense
periodIdIntegerThe period for which the expense is claimed
createdDateStringThe date on which expense was created
startDateStringThe start date of the expense
endDateStringThe end date of the expense
currentStatusStringThe current status of the expense approval workflow
claimedAmountdoubleThe expense amount claimed by the employee
totalAmountdoubleThe total amount of the expense sheet
totalApprovedAmountdoubleThe total approved amount
advancePaymentdoubleThe advance payment made to employee for the expense
descriptionStringThe description of the expense


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